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For me, the priority has always been to represent India and win a medal for the country – Harmeet Desai

Age is not a barrier, and its only the limitations we have in our minds. Harmeet Desai has proven that right by dreaming big and making that possible. As...

For me, the priority has always been to represent India and win a medal for the country – Harmeet Desai

Age is not a barrier, and its only the limitations we have in our minds. Harmeet Desai has...

From Passion to Success: Unveiling Mithun Manjunath’s Journey

How did you first get involved in badminton, and what made you choose it as your career? Observing my...

You have to go with the decisions that you take on the court and learn from them: Ankita Raina

Indian No. 1 Ankita Raina had a brief conversation post her Q1 match at the Wimbledon Qualifying on...

Vacation Bucket List: The Top 10 Trips of a Lifetime You Should Take

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess...